Wednesday, October 01, 2014


蘭も猫には良くない植物だけど(というか、猫には毒だと言われる植物、多すぎる!)、コマさんは花とか緑に触らないので、大丈夫だろう。コスモスも供えたいなあと買った。明日は月命日。昼間っからワイン飲んじゃおうかな。このところずっと焼酎(or 泡盛)ばかりだったけど。刻の一滴萬座 、どちらもうまかった!家飲みには焼酎の方がいいな、となってきた42歳。ワインは一晩で空けられないし。

There are so many kind of orchids and they are said to do harm to cats but I fell in love with a long spray of an orchid with little flowers and bought it home. Really lovely with dense scent. It's really good that Koma never touches or smells flowers and plants. (She loves to be paid attention, not to pay attention to something;)
And that I can have some flowers in my room.

from what I made and eat
It's autumn (though it's still hot in the day) and you see garland chrysanthemum again at local market. I love eating its leaves raw so I made a garland chrysanthemum & apple salad with blue cheese and some nuts, dressed with lemon juice, black pepper, truffle salt and EV olive oil.

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