Wednesday, November 25, 2015


「お買い物好きだよね」って言われて、えー、そんなことないよ、と返したけれども、どうかな。これ!ってものに出会って買えた時は楽しいけれど、そうじゃない時、時間はもったいないわ疲れるわ汚れるわ。。。ってplus minusゼロどころか、はっきり言ってマイナスです。そして今は1回に使う金額が1,000ペソを越えることに抵抗が。

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


今日もiPhone写真。冷蔵庫というものはどうしても何か貼りたくてしょうがなくさせる何かを持ってるみたい。子どもの頃は家中シールだらけにして(&壁に落描き)、2度の引っ越しのときに母が剥がすのに苦労してたのをはっきり覚えています。 そんな40年ほど前の思い出に浸りつつ、初めて暑い誕生日というものを昨日迎えました。人生何が起こるか。。。ってやつですね。異国の人々の中でそれでも居心地の悪さや違和感みたいなものを感じることなく、楽しく暮らしています。

Friday, November 20, 2015


I love native organic eggs:) taken w/ iPhone 5c

Sorry, this is one of rumbling posts about food.
I have been craving for fresh milk, tofu, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. Of course I can find some of them in supermarkets here, but all of them have somehow a very long life, which is what I just cannot trust. I suspect such foods definitely have poisonous things to our body. But I have no choice, so I buy "fresh" milk (on the carton it says) and about eggs and cheese, I buy at the organic market I visit on Saturdays once or twice a month. Unfortunately I don't see yogurt containing no sweetener, so I haven't eaten any since I came to live here in Cebu. Instead, I make something like ricotta cheese with "fresh" milk and enjoy eating it with salt & olive oil, or fruit jam, and sometimes like in the photo above, with cake salé, pancake, or bread.
About eggs, I love eating "tamago-kake gohan", hot, just-cooked rice topped and then mixed with raw egg and a bit of soy sauce,  and tried it just once with an organic egg here; it was soooo goooood. But accepting warnings about salmonella, and rice I buy here is different from what I ate in Japan, I haven't eaten  I eat eggs cooked these days. Soft-boiled eggs, sunny-side ups, and scrambled eggs.  I guess you love eggs too:) They look lovely and taste good.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Oct. 28, 2015
I took this instax photo with iPhone at night, so there is a lot of noise...
