Monday, October 05, 2015


Yoda, taken in ... maybe 6 or 7 years ago?
Here in Cebu. the Philippines, it is very humid and hot these days. The rainy season here is so long... I sweat a lot every day, but come to think of it, I drink way too little water. I drink less than 1 litter water! No wonder I get a cramp in my leg in the early morning every day. 
But aside from that cramp, I have been doing well. I have become more into cooking and eating with less material and tools than in Japan. I live in my room alone, but sometimes I share what I have cooked with my boss;) When I hear her say "Yummy!", I am so happy. Yes, cooking is really helpful and fun hobby, right? And it is also heartwarming; it makes both sides (people who cook and ones who eat ) happy. 
BTW my recent hits have been Italian soda bread, ricotta cheese, onion jam, and confiture of green pepper & green lemon. I also got Japanese rice so I will cook it and make rice balls after a very loooong while. I am too excited to sleep ;D




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